Well as everyone knows, we moved, and are in a bit of a pickle, employment wise, and it just gets worse. Our landlord has now said he is loosing sleep because of Rocco (barking at noises, his nails on the hard wood, Rocco is scared of him too so he barks/growls at him) and we either get rid of the dog....or become homeless!!
So, reluctantly, I have to surrender my precious precious pupper wupper, back to the humane society. I am soooo torn up about this. He is one of my babies, I hate this. Why do all of my dogs get taken from me......? My first dog Annie, my dad shot, my next two dogs, I lost in my divorce (ex was mad I left him so he said he would go to court to make sure I never got them....seriously.....my dogs) and now Rocco! Am I not meant to be a doggie mama, I have so much love to give, why is this happening. I am a believer that everything happens for a reason, but I am not seeing any lining.
So I am sad, there you go.