Monday, April 7, 2008


We went to Portland yesterday, just for the day, and had a bit of a baby moon. Adam wanted to make sure to get in a good meal from Montage before the baby came. Well he got his delicious spold (its a mix of spicy mac and old mac with spam)! We also went to VooDoo donuts, and let me tell you, THEY ARE THE BEST DONUTS I HAVE EVER HAD!!! You must, try them at least once before you die! OMG

Rocco came with us, it was nice just hanging out as a family!! We also got to hang with Tyler and Ally, that was really nice. We hadn't seen them in sooooooooooo long. (Good thing is they will hopefully come for a visit in a week or two after No Name arrives.)

But anyways, my head is not in the game right now, It's been a crazy day! Next post may be after the baby arrives!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Guess who is coming earlier than planned

My date for "project: save the baby" (or the induction as others like to call it) has been moved up. The induction will happen sometime during the week of the 14th - 18th. I just got two steroid shots (they are given to help mature the babies lungs) and then will have an amniocentesis the day before the "scheduled" induction to make sure the babies lungs are mature enough for delivery, if so project save the baby is put into action, if not, then we wait a couple more days or whatev!!

So I will keep everyone updated, let me know if you have any questions! And remember send all your energy to my cervix to soften and dilate on its own (I know that is asking a lot of you, but its reeeaallll important!!)