Friday, February 22, 2008

Oh baby drama

I have a bit of an illness, don't worry right now the baby is doing fantastic! I have cholestasis, it is a condition that only happens in pregnancy where basically (you can research it if you need to know more) its a condition in which the normal flow of bile in the gallbladder is affected by the high amounts of pregnancy hormones, so that results in the stopping or slowing the flow of bile (which is what breaks down fats during digestion). Any ways I have to go to the doc everyweek for non stress test and blood work, but as long as I take my meds and keep going to my appointments everything will be fine. I am super itchy from it and have a little pain at the top of my tummy, and as long as i don't overheat I feel fine.

On a different note, it may mean the baby may be joining us a bit early. We won't know until that day actually comes, we just have to take it day by day. Just hoping that he stays healthy. So at the ultra sound yesterday they measured him and he is weighing in at about 3 3/4 lbs, which is huge for a baby in the 29th week!!

here is his cute chubby face

here is his gangster sign

His face is tilted to the side, you can see his cute pouty lip (Adam)

There are a couple other pix if anyone wants to see them email and let me know. I will keep everyone updated and think happy thoughts about Avery and me (don't forget about Adam and Rocco too)!!


Tyler Long said...

I'm sorry you are having complications. Take it easy and be well. I'm glad your baby already knows how to flash gang signs.

Unknown said...

Gang signs are the key to success in life.

Unknown said...

Word son.